Thursday 22 May 2008

You're no different than I am

I'm not really that interested in American politics at all, and I'm only vaguely familiar with this guy, but he seems like an idiot. Ellen Degeneres is amazing though.

For the link-phobic, it's Ellen questioning John McCain on her upcoming marriage to her long-term partner, whose name escapes me right now. Gay marriage is a big issue in the US I gather.

It bugs me though. He says:
"And I know that we have a respectful disagreement on that issue."
There is nothing, nothing respectful about obstructing someone's rights like that, saying that their love is just not good enough for the state. Fuck off.

I love how Ellen makes it clear that everyone is the same; she gives excellent, eloquent arguments and McCain can't seem to find a word to say in response. But then, bigots aren't known for their ability to actually justify what they're saying.

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