Wednesday 30 April 2008

The Hypocrisy of the Media

Over at The F-Word they've linked to an article about Fergie's daughter Beatrice and, basically, how fat she is. She isn't. She's an awesome shape. All curves in the right places. But that, that's not the point. The point is how inarticulate my rage is making me right now as I find, on the same god damn site, this article.

In the Fergie and Beatrice article, they say:
Puberty can be a cruel thing, but there is a time when a young woman must take responsibility for her own thighs and accept that whatever genes you inherit, you can - and probably should - make changes to your lifestyle and diet in an effort to do something about it.
The next moment in the other article, they say:
These super-skinny legs are not attractive, or remotely sexy, but you can rest assured their owners always make sure their pins (and never has a word been so apt) are on display.

It is as if they were saying: "I deny myself every day to obtain legs like these. They prove how committed I am to fame, to being a fashion victim. I have starved and exercised my way to the top - and I am bloody well going to stay here."

I would elaborate, but I think it speaks for itself. Besides, I have to go and hit something. Hard. With a heavy blunt object. I am so, so angry at this. Sure, it's just The Daily Mail which is pure trash, but how are young women supposed to be confident with themselves when people are forcing girls to make themselves thin and simultaneously telling them that thin is bad?

This is a crazy world.

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